The numbers support the need for sound strength and conditioning programs for our young athletes. Recent data indicates that anywhere between 100,000 and 300,000 ACL injuries occur each year in the United States among high school athletes, with an estimated 70% being non-contact in nature. The reason for this is simple; biomechanics. While many young athletes participate in some sort of weigh training program, very few are exposed to and coached on proper fundamentals of movement. The founder of our company, Mike Huster, realized this in the course of developing and patenting the AIM Trainer, a device used to help strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the hip complex. Through much academic and hands on research, he witnessed first hand that there was a need to teach these principles to our young athletes. Our goal is to provide the research driven framework for your training related goals. When it comes to athletics, we emphasize injury prevention over how much weight you can lift. After all, it doesn't matter whether of not you can power clean 315 pounds if you're on the sideline with a torn ACL.